Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Launches and Page Lock/Unlock Adobe AEM



Develop a launch mechanism facilitating updates for future activation of new versions of current web pages. Launches enable you to efficiently develop content for a future release. A launch is created to allow you to make changes ready for future publication (while maintaining your current pages). After editing and updating your launch pages you promote them back to the source, then activate the source pages (top-level). Promoting duplicates of the launch content back to the source pages can be done either manually or automatically (dependent on fields set when creating and editing the launch).

Create Launch

  • Select the page with the selection mode
  • click on the Create button then Selec Launch.

  • Add the title and select the options as per need (otherwise move forward with default options)
  • Click on the Create button

Access All Launches

  • Navigate to BASEURL/libs/launches/content/launches.html.(list of all created lunches)
  • Select your lunch, click on the edit button,

  • Select the page and click on the Save button
  • Click on the  Open Button, page will be ready for edit 

  • when all changes are done then click on the Promote button.

  1. then select options according to your need and click Next. it will be synced with the main page in the AEM Author site console. After this, you can publish the page to move content to the Publisher.

Page Lock / Unlock

Once the page is locked, no alterations can be made to its content, and replication of the page is prohibited until the user who locked it chooses to unlock it again.

How to lock the Page

  • Select the page with the selection mode
  • Select the lock icon.

  • so one can edit this page once it is locked.
  • if another person tries to unlock this page he will get an error popup

How to Unlock the Page

  • Select the page with the selection mode
  • Select the Unlock icon.

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