Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Users and Groups in Adobe Aem

In adobe aem we can create users and groups of users for multiple roles like developer or manager etc and we also can handle permissions about what will be accessible and what will not. 

 Create AEM User

Navigate to http://localhost:4502/useradmin 

  • Click on Edit -> Create -> Create User. 

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  • Fill in the requested details and press Create
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  • Search for the user you just created and double-click on it  
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  • Now you can see the properties, Groups, permissions, Impersonators, and Preferences of this user. 
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  • The user is created. 

Create a New AEM Group 

Navigate to http://localhost:4502/aem/start.html 

Click on tools Security -> Groups 

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  • Click the Create button and enter the required info in the Details Part
  • Select Members and search for the users you want to add to this group
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  • After Adding the user as Member click  Save and Close
  • The group now is Created  

Modify Permissions for a user or a group in AEM

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  • Double-click on the user and select Permissions 

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Now select the permissions you want to give to this user, for example, if you want this user to access only the CXP project you need to select the root folder as read and the root content folder as read and inside the content, folder select CXP project and press save 
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  • Now to test if the user is created and permission is done in the right way: 
  • Sign out of the admin user 
  • Log in as User in aem css that you have created above
  • Go to Sites, you can see that while this user is signed in he can only access the CXP project 
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In the same way u can handle the permissions for the Group of Users.

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