Thursday, March 2, 2023

How to Create Multi-Language and Multi-Location Project In AEM


In this article, we will learn how to manage multi languages for the multi-location projects in AEM
  • GoTo sites->selct your project > click create button > select Page from dropdown > select content  template > click next button  >Add title same “Language Masters“ > click next button > Done

  • A language Master Page will be created.

  • GoTo sites > select your project > select Language Master > click create button > select Page from dropdown > select content template > click next button > Add title “English“ > click next button > Done.
  • And create two or three pages under the English

  • Now we need to think about how many languages we want to add to our project for multi-language,
  • So in my case, I just need English, Spanish, and Urdu,

Create Languages

  • GoTo sites > select your project  > select Language Master  > English >  click create button > select Language Copy from the dropdown

  • Click Add Page > select your folder > select language master > select English >Click Select Button

  • Select the English Checkbox > Click Next Button

  • Open the bottom Image and for further configurations

  • You can check now your select languages are created

We have created the languages, Now we will create sites for specific country

Create Sites for a Specific Country 

First, we need a blueprint

To create blueprints

  • Goto Toos > Site > Select BluePrint

  • Click Create button > Select BluePrint Template > next

  • Select your project > Select Language Master > next > add title

Then you will find that your blueprint will be created with your title name

Create Country Specific Site using Above Created Blueprint

  • Follow to bottom images to configure further

  • Select the blueprint that u have created.

  • Open Bottom Image configure next.

  • Now you will find that you have created a site for United State with two Languages.


we have created   one more page “Test Page” and its not visible in other languages
How we can be available in every all language.


Now we have to create a language copy for only the Test Page now

  • GoTo sites > select your project  > select Language Master  > English >  click create button > select Language Copy from the dropdown

  • Follow the bottom image for the next configuration

Now TestPage will be available in all languages in Language Masters

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1 comment:

  1. Marvelous tutorial. Got the solution. Helped me out so much. Thanks a lot.
